The 8x10 Portrait is a photo taken with an 8x10 inch large format camera. This camera is similar to the type of cameras used in the late 1800’s. It’s incredibly large and slow to use, but gives a vintage look that cannot be achieved with a conventional camera. Each photo comes with an 8x10 print on 100% cotton paper and a digital scan of the print. This is an excellent choice for anyone who wants something extremely unique that no one else would have.
Q: Why is it so expensive for just 1 picture?
A: Its an incredibly long and labor intensive process. Each shot takes 1 full sheet of 8x10 inch film and needs to be loaded individually into a special light tight holder the day before. These sheets currently cost $9 each. Once the image is taken, the photos must be processed in a completely light tight room by hand, by me. This process requires me to be in complete darkness working with chemisry just by feel for about 20 minutes. Any small mistake in this process may completely ruin the image that’s on the film. Once I am done with the developing the film, it must go through a washing phase which is about another 20 minutes. Once the film is dry, the film is taken to the darkroom where I have a very dim red light where the print is made. I take a sheet of cotton fiber paper which is coated with light sensitive silver and it is placed under the film and sandwiched under a pane of glass. I then use a type of projector which projects light onto this paper to create a positive image onto the paper. Once this is done, the film is set aside and the paper is taken where I go through the steps to develop it, wash it and dry the paper. After all these steps, a final print is now made. Not including the drying, the entire process takes about 3 collective hours of work for one print.
By booking this, you accept that with film, things may happen, scratches, dust and other artifacts may be present. If photo is completely unusable, payment will be refunded or we can do the shot over again. Delivery time may be from a few days to a few weeks.